Étiquette : generativePage 2 of 2

Sketchbook Vera Molnar

Fantastic resource found and shared by @michaelspalter : « Journal intime 1976-1982 » of early pioneer generative artist Vera Molnar. https://fr.calameo.com/read/000289561c0dfc57f55e1


Procedurally generated fish drawings. Lingdong Huang 2021 https://github.com/LingDong-/fishdraw/tree/main

{Software} Structures

A text about Software & Art by Casey Reas https://artport.whitney.org/commissions/softwarestructures2016/text.html


Avec Radiance, Julien Gachadoat s’immisce dans le monde fabuleux du crypto-art https://etapes.com/radiance-julien-gachadoat-monde-crypto-art/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+etapes%2Ffeed+%28etapes.com%29

Interview With Generative Artist Jared Tarbell

At its best, art is transcendent and sublime. However, few artists can regularly create works that evoke feelings of awe and wonder on that level in its viewers….

Tyler Hobbs

https://tylerxhobbs.com/ https://tylerxhobbs.com/selected-works/generative-digital/1

Generative Covers
