Created by Jamy Herrmann at ECAL, MEMOGRAM is a (non)camera that prints our images in the form of a written description, inviting users to (re)discover those moments in images. These prints, whether paper or mental, aim to (re)awaken our memory while questioning our relationship to data, record and ownership.

Today, for many, the memories that remain are only those of images taken with digital cameras. Through this continuous storage process, we offload those moments by trusting instantaneous backups. MEMOGRAM challenges this delegation by offering a time capsule in the form of tickets, accompanying our memories with textual clues. Jamy Herrmann

This project uses many different techniques since it is both tangible and digital. Both versions are made in 3D printing and then wrapped with a paper explaining the steps of use. The electronics are comprised of a thermal printer (and a paper roll) connected to a custom PCB equipped with an Arduino nano and a bluetooth UART module. A 9v rechargeable battery powers the device. 

The online web-app runs in HTLM/CSS/Javascript and uses a several artificial intelligence and object recognitions to generate image descriptions (mobilenet, coco.js, faceAPI and others). It also includes geolocation and time and date. 

The communication between the web-app and the device is done in serial via bluetooth. All images and information are then stored in the cloud to be accessible at a later date and linked to a dedicated account for each user.