Étiquette : esp32

Pretty Small Robot


A Comparison of the New ESP32-S2 to the ESP32

With the rollout of the ESP32-S2, learn the differences between it and the ESP32 and compare them to the ESP8266. https://maker.pro/esp8266/tutorial/a-comparison-of-the-new-esp32-s2-to-the-esp32

Pondering LCDs

Last week was a summary (with code) of shenanigans using the ESP32-S3’s LCD controller peripheral for non-LCD applications. That’s all fun and games but it’s time to don…

Getting Started with Microsoft Azure and CircuitPython

There are many IoT platforms out there, including Adafruit’s own Adafruit.IO, but if you want to build really big projects or run a business using IoT, you’ll need…