The Joopyter Personal Terminal is a 3D printed portable computer that includes everything you need for life in the retro-futuristic fast lane: a mechanical keyboard, a thermal printer,…
is a Self-Organising System of cells, that was trained to build textures using neighbour communication only. This work exposes the relation between the life of an individual cell,…
Dans le cadre du programme national LIDAR HD, l’IGN produit et diffuse une cartographie 3D de l’intégralité du sol et du sursol de la France en données LIDAR….
Machine learning data-art on the web. Together with Refik Anadol and Google Arts & Culture, we narrate the global climate crisis, analysing its roots, and taking a snapshot…
If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife. Pandoc can convert between the following formats: (← = conversion from;…