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Sketches for Genuary 2022

Jaume Sanchez

PDF Map Maker

Yann LeCun

Yann LeCun est un chercheur en intelligence artificielle, apprentissage machine, vision artificielle et robotique, diplômé de l’École supérieure d’ingénieurs en électronique et électrotechnique (ESIEE) de Paris et de…

Pip-Boy 2040 Wrist-Mounted Prop

Prep your wrist for the apocalypse! Build your own small form-factor, Fallout-inspired Pip-Boy with Feather RP2040 and CircuitPython.You can make this prop wrist-computer for cosplay, or for general…

Fonts In Use

An independent archive of typography.

Bespoke visual noise is the next domain for Robert Henke – so let’s revisit Perlin, anyway

For the year 2022, it’s remarkable how much visual generation is still based on decades-old algorithms. But here’s one to watch – voraciously experimental media artist Robert Henke…

Introductory Machine Learning in Python & Co

Color Experience

I am preparing a pair of books on color vision (Color Experience) and watercolor methods (Painting Practice). This page will post draft chapters from each book (including illustrations,…

Nvidia Quadro P2200

Dans la gamme des Quadro de la marque au caméléon vert Nvidia, une carte reste discrète, la Nvidia Quadro P2200. La particularité de cette Quadro P2200 est sa capacité pour gérer…

Boards Recap 2021

When we look back at the start of the 2020s, there’s no question that it will represent an unprecedented period in our lives. The terrifying global pandemic, with…