Auteur/autrice : cedricPage 42 of 71

Arduino/Raspberry Pi with I2C Arduino with Raspberry Pi with I2C

Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi

You can run Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi devices.

Animation Cookbook for ffmpeg and ImageMagick

I create a lot of animated gifs and I’m getting into creating videos as well. All of these are initially created by rendering a series of png files…

Raspberry Pi microSD card performance comparison

SD cards can get super big now. Memory is plentiful. You could have a drive the size of an almond what holds a terabyte as fast as you…

The story of the Playdate gaming handheld

Christa at Panic has published a comprehensive story of the Playdate handheld gaming device.

Getting started with hyperpixel 4

In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to set up and use your shiny new HyperPixel 4.0. It’s all fairly straghtforward. Note that you’ll need a keyboard, mouse,…

Install Flutter on Raspberry Pi

Install Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi


NeRF-Tex: Neural Reflectance Field Textures

NVIDIA researchers collaborated with ETH Zurich and Disney Research|Studios on a new paper, “NeRF-Tex: Neural Reflectance Field Textures” that will be presented at the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering…

XD to Flutter v3.0